Hess Associates

Video Interview Tips

We hope you will find the following info on conducting video interviewing of use.

1. Ensure that your iPad, formal teleconference room set up, or webcam/computer set ups are ready to go – that the internet is working, the sound is right, passwords are set up. This includes video and audio tests that are easy to run.

2. Be aware of where the eye of the camera is, in order to look directly at the candidate – this gesture is very important and just as hard for them as for you.

3 .Have a clean, dedicated, professional appearing work area – part of your job, apart from the determining if this is the best candidate, is to present your company in the best light, so that the candidate will want to join your team.

4. If at home, make sure no people, animals, radios, TVs, outside traffic will interrupt. Most hiring managers will not carry out interviews at home, but with global considerations and time zones, this is a possibility.

5. Done properly, this form of interview should still give you an idea of the candidate’s personality, body language, ability to look you in the eye – or try! This can be hard though as people want to look at the speaker on the screen and if they do this, they cannot look at the camera – this is probably the biggest pitfall of the process. Conversely, your body language will speak to the candidate as well.

6. As with traditional interviews, have your list of questions ready and organized,

7. Be prepared to describe your company’s physical layout and location, perhaps even size of offices, cubicles, loft or not, elevator or stair access, windows – all things candidates having on site interviews will be exposed to.